I have determined that sportfishermen are the unfriendliest people. Bimini is full of them. On boats of all sizes, from 18 feet to 100 feet They don't care that their wake will rock you to death. They'll aim right at you when there is a whole ocean to use. I've tried to engage 2 sets of them here at the marina in conversation. They don't want to visit. If forced to talk to you, as in answering a simple question such as, "How was it out there?", they won't even look you in the eye. There's something wrong with these people.
I'm going to keep testing my observation, but for right now --I don't like them.
One of the groups is in a 45 footer on the other side of the pier. Last night they came in and were cleaning their (meager) day's catch at the fish cleaning station and tossing the scraps in the water next to the pier. Shortly several of them go running back to the boat and grab gaff hooks and fishing poles and start fishing right by the cleaning station. We went over to see what was going on and saw these three sharks--nurse and bull---swimming around with a number of large bonia. After fishing unsuccessfully at this location, the sharks and bonia moved out to the tee head and our heros ran out there with their rigs and eventually caught a large bonia and dragged it back down the dock to the cleaning station. So much for the evening's excitement.
Later Diane and I walked over to the beach on the west side of the island to watch the sunset and then back again to enjoy the lunar apogee and spring solstice new moon rising over the water on the east side--kinda like that beer commercial without the loud music. We were joined by our new Canadian friends, Paul and Caroline and enjoyed a couple of hours of excellent conversation---nice people.
We decided to just sit and read and nap today, instead of going sailing. The wind came in early and it's probably a little rough out there.
A couple couples from Texas just stopped by the boat having seen my National Flag of Texas flying from the flag halyard. They had a bunch of questions and were amazed that we had sailed all the way over here. I am too, when I take time to think about what we've done.
It's been great and will soon get even better. More later.
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