From Sailboat to Trawler

From Sailboat to Trawler

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bimini Pics

Bimini's nice, but not great. I expected it to be a bit more up-scale but, oh well. Like Mexico, the Caribbean just doesn't quite get it. If they'd just clean the place up a bit--get rid of the litter, plant a few posies, paint and maintain their homes--dress it up a bit, I'm confident more people would come--spend more money--create more jobs, etc, etc, etc--but they just don't get it. While most of the natives are nice and friendly, it's the slovenliness of the rest that is such a turn-off.
BUT---Perhaps I'm too harsh. We are having a very nice time here. We probably waited 1 day too many before moving on. We were planning on leaving tomorrow, Sunday, to head for the Berry Islands to some anchorages and harbors and beaches there--but we planned to spend one night on the hook on the Bahama Banks---out in the middle of nowhere--in 12 feet of water ---clear as tap water and bluer than blue-- an overnight, 1/2 way to the Berry's and then on to the islands on Monday---but---there's a wind event coming in the wee hours of Monday morning and we don't want to be "out there" when it hits with wind in the 20's and gusts into the 30's. So, looks like we'll wait it out---so what else is new??

Went for an exploratory ride in the dink today---across to the other side of the channel to the flats, at low tide.

Cracked my first coconut yesterday. Used the milk in our rum drinks later on. Yummy!!!!!

Here's our boat at the marina at low tide. You can get a feel for the clarity of the water. Our first day in I was on deck tidying up when a 10 foot (at least) shark swam, liesurely, by our boat. Yikes!!
That's "L'il Liv" tied to our stern.

A view of marina row. We're in the one in front of the blue buildings on the left.
This program only lets me post 5 pics at a time----maybe more if I shrink them?? So see more pics above.

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