From Sailboat to Trawler

From Sailboat to Trawler

Thursday, February 18, 2021


 January has proven to be just what we needed to get the boat in shape for getting out and about. The weather had been a bit blustery from time to time giving us the perfect opportunity to spend time at the dock taking care of all the minor and a few major issues. We got a "bottom job" a few weeks ago and she's now slick as glass under the water. It will be interesting to see how long bottom paint will last in these constantly warm waters. 

We've toyed with the idea of replacing our navigation electronics (original equipment) and after discovering that our radar was shot (along with our autopilot) we decided to pull the trigger and we've arranged for the installation of a new chart plotter (GPS), along with the synchronized auto-pilot (that allows you to set a course by compass direction or by inputting a waypoint and the boat will steer itself on that heading or in the direction to the waypoint) as well as our radar. This alleviates the tiresome effort of manual steering everywhere you want to go. I bought a reconditioned chart plotter on Ebay to replace a completely non-functioning one on the fly bridge. Paid $225 for what would ordinarily cost (new) around $1500. It works perfectly and will give us a reliable backup (redundancy) at the helm.

 With the functioning plotter we decided to, finally, head off shore and down the Keys to one of our favorite anchorages where we spent 2 nights on the hook. (Had to hand steer all the way out and back, against fairly choppy seas but the boat handled beautifully ) Here, at last, are some pictures of our new boat on the hook in Newfound Harbor, a very nice anchorage off and between Big Pine and Ramrod Keys:


It was really nice to get out on the water. We're looking forward to some more benign conditions that will allow us to get out to the reefs for some snorkeling. Tried while at Newfound Harbor, but conditions just too rough and choppy.
Now looking forward to getting our new navigation instruments installed  --probably next week---so we can feel comfortable about upcoming longer passages. In that regard--looks like we'll be leaving here around mid-March and heading up the West coast of Florida to the Charlotte Harbor area where we have some of our very favorite anchoring areas and very familiar waters. We'll leave the boat in that area when we return home in April and have a new fly bridge enclosure built while we're away. (We hope to use the same guy that did it for Opus V out of Ft. Myers---He did a great job although a bit on the expensive side.) As these craftsmen stay quite busy we'll arrange well ahead of time to book the job.

A few more pic's of the boat"

While posting these shots and this message we are quite cognizant and concerned about all our friends and family in Houston who are going through the unprecedented cold (freezing) spell throughout the State of Texas. We are checking with them every day and know that they are uncomfortable, but safe and looking forward to the light at the end of the tunnel coming this week-end. Hurricane Harvey, Pandemic, freezing temps----what will be the next "plague"? These last few years have been quite trying for people in our area but we know that God has a plan--it is good--- and we will survive, only to come out stronger. God bless all.

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